The St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 is planning on sponsoring a habitat program for the spring 2022 planting season. Unfortunately, at this time, the SCCPF Board of Directors are unable to finalize the habitat program until we can determine a budget based on funds raised at our 35th annual banquet. The board of directors are hopeful that our banquet will be a very successful one and the chapter will offer the same program that was planned for in the spring of 2020. The following guidelines are tentative currently. The SCCPF Board of Directors will make a final determination after the banquet and will contact those members who have expressed an interest in our habitat program with program details. All interested parties should complete a 2022 Habitat Request/Agreement Form this evening and hand it in to Bob Watson who will deliver them to our Habitat Chairman Russell Golm. If a completed 2022 Habitat Request/Agreement Form is not in our Habitat Chairman’s possession by March 18, 2022, it is highly likely that the request will not be honored. Our timeline is a short one to finalize a budget and place seed orders. We appreciate your understanding as we reinstate this program that has been sidelined due to the pandemic and an absence of banquets.
All seed distribution will be 100% chapter funded for all cooperators. For those who attend the banquet, the fertilizer will be funded at 50%. The cooperator will be required to fund the other 50%. A minimum amount of fertilizer is required for proper growth.
Due to increasing cost and demand, fertilizer will not be cost covered by the chapter for non-attendees for 2022 at this time.
To obtain seed for PF habitat projects in the spring of 2022, you are required to submit your order no later than March 18th, 2022. Requests received after this date will not be honored. Late requests may be placed on a waiting list and subject to availability should we have funds available. You will need to mail the order form postmarked no later than 3/15/22, to the following address: Russell Golm, 8292 River Rd, Apt. 7, Cottrellville, MI 48039
When a final budget and habitat program is decided upon, those individuals who completed a 2022 Habitat Request/Agreement Form will be contacted to confirm their request. Your order confirmation will be mailed or e-mailed back to you indicating your order number and the week you can pick up your seed. Distribution will be broken down over a 2-week period in mid to late April. ln order to plant as many projects as possible, we are limiting food plot size per landowner to 5 acres (in any combination of food plot seeds) and we will have 4 types of food plot seed available. Corn, soybeans, sorghum, and a winter blend food plot mix consisting of soybean, black oil sunflower, buckwheat, and tall sorghum seed (this blended winter food plot mix must be broadcast). Nesting habitat (pasture mix) is limited to 10 acres per project.
Round-up ready corn and soybeans are available at extra cost
Seed will continue to be distributed from the Adair Elevator, 3536 PaIms Rd., Casco, Township, 48064. The telephone numbers are 810 329-2658 or 586 7271598.The hours of operation are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:30-5:00, Thursday 12:00 -5:00, and Saturday 8:30-12:30. Extra seed and fertilizer may also be purchased at the PF bulk rate.
A wildflower/Pollinator seed mix is available through the State council at -
http://www.pheasantsforever.org/Habitat/StateSeed.aspx or PF Seed
Any requests for special projects exceeding these guideline limits can be considered by the Board. A request for an expanded special project must be submitted (with specifics) to the Board for consideration.
Food plots are required to be left undisturbed until April 1st of the following year. We will offer a high quality pasture mix for nesting cover projects that will require a 3-year contract. Spraying, tillage, and mowing will be allowed as needed to improve and manage habitat and to control weeds. Mowing to restore healthy vigor is restricted to August 1-20. Proper soil conditions are very important to your project’s success. Consider a soil test before planting.
No haying or grazing is permitted.
Seed is available for chapter members only. Private land projects funded by PF must be planted in St. Clair or the southern edge of Sanilac County. If you would like to purchase additional seed and/or fertilizer (at chapter bulk rate) for habitat projects outside of these counties or in amounts above the guideline limits, please specify that on the order form. The chapter will contact you to confirm the order.
Pheasants Forever retains the right to randomly check habitat projects. Habitat cooperators
must agree to repay Pheasants Forever the cost for seed if the habitat project is destroyed prior to the term of project or the terms of the agreement are not otherwise met. Your signature on the seed request form indicates your agreement to these terms.
Seed is to be planted for wildlife food and cover only and is not for commercial use, livestock feed, and not for sale or trade.
Habitat cooperators are not required to open their land for hunting.