Saturday, December 18, 2021

35th Annual St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 Banquet Tickets Available

Tickets for the 35th annual St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 banquet are now on sale.  Tickets this year are $70 for a regular membership, $35 for a spouse ticket, $55 for a student ticket (full membership, 25 years old or younger), and $20 for a Ringneck membership (18 or younger).  The banquet will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2022, at the Perch Point Conservation Club.   The doors will open at 3:00 P.M. with dinner being at 5:30 P.M.  Those individuals that purchase their tickets and turn in completed membership stubs no later than February 1, 2022, will be entered in an early bird raffle with one lucky winner winning a $250.00 cash prize.  To purchase tickets contact a Board of Director or visit VF Sports at  4136 Lapeer Road, Port Huron, MI., 48060.  We expect the banquet to be a sell out and that tickets will go quickly.  Get yours today!

1st Birds, Buds, & Brew Night a Success

 The St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 hosted their first Birds, Buds, & Brew night at the Dorsey House on December 8, 2021.  Approximately 30 individuals came out for a relaxed night of visiting with friends, sharing stories, and drinking their favorite beverage along with an all u can eat  pizza buffet. The chapter did sell 125 raffle tickets for a Pheasants Forever Edition Henry Golden Boy 22 mag.  With a limit of only 125 raffle tickets (1 for $10 or 3 for $20) being printed, it did not take long for all 125 tickets to be sold.  The drawing was held and one lucky winner added this gun to their gun safe collection.  Banquet tickets were also available and some of the attendees took this time to purchase their tickets for our 35th annual banquet which will be held on March 12, 2022.  The Board of Directors thank everyone who attended this event.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

35th Annual St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 Banquet

 Mark your calendars.  The St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 is scheduled to hold our 35th banquet on Saturday, March 12, 2022.  We will again be holding our banquet at the Perch Point Conservation Club located at 7930 Meisner Road in Fair Haven, Michigan.  Tickets will be available soon and an announcement will be made when they become available.  Ticket prices for the upcoming banquet are $70 for a membership dinner, $35 for a spouse ticket, $55 for a student ticket (PF membership), and $20 for a Ringneck (Youth) membership.  The chapter is looking forward to hosting a banquet after two years of cancellations.  During this time we have continued to acquire firearms and prizes when special deals were available to us.  These actions taken by your PF Board should promise to make our banquet one of the best ever.  

Birds, Buds, & Brew Night

Birds, Buds, & Brew Night

Sponsored by the St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter 74


Wednesday, December 8th at the Dorsey House

6:00 P.M.- 10:00 P.M.


Drop in at the Dorsey House for some pizza and a pint of cold beverage.  There will be some special raffles offered, tickets will be available for our annual banquet being held in March 2022.  Find out what Pheasants Forever National, the MI State PF Council, and our local Chapter has been up to since Covid slowed us down on how we usually do business. Share your hunting stories and pictures from this past fall’s adventures with fellow conservationists. A relaxing night to visit and reminisce with fellow outdoor enthusiasts.


Everyone is invited to attend (PF members and non- members alike). There is a $10 fee required for a pint cup and drink token and admittance into the raffle room.


For more information call 906 362-9472


Sunday, May 16, 2021

A HUGE "Thank You" to our loyal chapter supporters!

 The St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 Board of Directors and Officers would like to thank our loyal chapter members who have remained chapter members throughout this pandemic and 3 banquet cancelations.  Our chapter is proud to have been able to refund those individuals who requested a refund. We are VERY proud of the 240 members who remained with the chapter and those members who also made monetary donations to help our chapter continue to carry out our mission.  We are hoping to have a banquet in 2022 and look forward to seeing everyone then.  

5 Gun Raffle Results

 The St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 would like to thank everyone who supported our 5 Gun Raffle.  On Monday, May 10th the raffle concluded and the drawing was held to find 5 winners in our raffle.  Congratulations to the following five individuals who won in our raffle:

Mack W.    Delton DT1-15-5.56 Rifle

John F.       Kimber Micro 9mm Pistol

Mike M.    Browning BPS 12 ga. shotgun

Ken S.        Remington 1911 R-1 Commander 45

Jeff L.        Henry Golden Boy 22 mag

Please watch for another gun raffle in the fall.  Thanks again for supporting the chapter.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

St. Clair County Pheasants Forever 5-Gun Raffle Tickets are NOW ON SALE! 

Tickets for our chapter's 5-gun raffle are now available.  Tickets are $50.00 each.  There will only be 100 tickets available for this raffle.  You may contact a board member to purchase tickets at VF Sports.  The drawing date for prizes will be May 10, 2021.

The prizes are #1= Delton DTI-15 5.56 Rifle, #2= Kimber Micro 9, 9 mm handgun, #3= Browning BPS 12 gauge Pump Shotgun, #4= Remington 1911 R1-Commander 45 ACP, and #5= Henry Golden Boy 22 Mag Lever Action Rifle. 

These tickets will sell fast, so don't delay, buy today!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

 Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Unveil Call of the Uplands®: Ambitious National Campaign to Conserve 9 Million Acres

Protect/restore habitat, develop conservationists, and advocate for grasslands policy


St. Paul, Minn. – Feb. 26, 2021 – Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever announced a historic effort yesterday evening to protect and conserve North America’s upland habitats by launching its first comprehensive, $500 million Call of the Uplands® National Campaign. The bold plan encompasses habitat conservation, education & outreach, and national advocacy strategies to conserve 9 million acres, engage 1.5 million outdoor participants, and enact landscape-level national policy for wildlife and rural communities. 


Throughout the pheasant, quail, and native grouse ranges of the United States, more than 53 million acres of grasslands have vanished over the last decade, and less than three percent of the nation’s 90 million historical acres of longleaf pine woodlands remain intact today. These catastrophic habitat losses have contributed to precipitous population declines for pheasants (-27%), quail (-82%), and other grassland bird species (-40% decline) since 1966. 


“Conversion of grasslands have quickly transformed this important ecosystem into the Amazon rainforest in our backyard; the unprecedented number of acres and biodiversity wiped from the landscape over a relatively short period have created a pivotal moment for wildlife, hunters, conservationists, farmers and all Americans interested in a bright future filled with abundant natural resources,” stated Howard Vincent, president and CEO of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever. “Through the work we do, we have a window in time to flip the script before it’s too late - Call of the Uplands is the catalyst for this change.”


Habitat Conservation:

  • Call of the Uplands will strive to establish, enhance, and restore 9 million acres nationwide.
  • Permanently protect 75,000 acres through the acceleration of fee-title acquisition and conservation easements.
  • Increase private lands technical assistance for the delivery of voluntary conservation programs nationwide.
  • And much more!

Education & Outreach:

  • Call of the Uplands will reach 1.5 million participants with new and expanded programs to engage them in outdoor recreation, shooting sports, hunting, and habitat conservation.
  • Annually host 300 Learn-to-Hunt events to recruit, retain, and reactivate hunter conservationists.
  • Deliver the organization’s newly developed Hunter Mentor Training Program for first-time adult hunters in 25 states throughout the country.
  • And much more!


  • Call of the Uplands will elevate Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever as the voice of sportsmen and women in the Farm Bill, pushing for an expanded Conservation Reserve Program acreage authorization of 40 million acres, in addition to advocating for other robust programs under the conservation title. 
  • Enact landscape-level national policy for wildlife and rural communities, including anew initiative for grasslands expansion.
  • Increase legislative activities for important state policy issues, participate in state/federal sportsmen’s caucuses, and help development community programs for that are mutually beneficial for agriculture and conservation.
  • And much more!

To learn more about Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s monumental campaign to conserve America’s upland landscapes, visit the Call of the Uplands homepage to review current initiatives, watch the launch video, or contribute in various ways to a future filled with diverse grasslands, plentiful wildlife, and increased public access opportunities.


About Pheasants Forever

Pheasants Foreverincluding its quail conservation division, Quail Foreveris the nation's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to upland habitat conservation. Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever have more than 130,000 members and 780 local chapters across the United States and Canada. Since creation in 1982, Pheasants Forever has spent over $975 million on 560,000 habitat projects benefiting 20 million acres nationwide. In fact, more than 212,000 of those acres are now permanently protected as public lands. 


Media Contact

Jared Wiklund


(651) 209-4953


Monday, February 22, 2021

 You may have heard that the president is backing a bold conservation initiative that is gaining steam around the world.  The idea is to have conservation on 30% of the land by the year 2030 to save 75% of wildlife species.  The Hunting and Fishing community is greatly interested in seeing that our conservation and recreation interests are addressed as the initiative is fleshed out.  It will be an incredible challenge to reach the initiative’s goal, but we can only hope to make significant progress by working together.  As you can see at, Pheasants Forever is engaged and at the table, thanks to your support through the Legislative Action Fund. 


There is so much going on at the national level that needs our attention, including a start on negotiations for the next Farm Bill and discussion on starting a North American Grasslands Conservation Act.  LAF and the Call of the Uplands campaign allows us to accelerate mission delivery in the years ahead.  All will yield benefits in Michigan and Beyond. 


Bill Vander Zouwen, Michigan Region Rep

 Something big is coming to the uplands!  Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever will make a big announcement this Thursday, February 25 at 6:00 PM Central Time.  As a passionate conservationist and supporter of our organization, I thought of you and wanted to make sure you tuned in.  If you are available, you can join us at


Through an extraordinary virtual event, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever are launching a monumental initiative to protect and restore critical upland habitat and cultivate the next generation of conservationists and hunters.  In order to ensure you don’t miss it, you can add it your calendar here:  Add To Calendar.


Our beloved uplands are some of the most threatened places in the world, and we’re taking a stand.  This ambitious and strategic endeavor will bring together dedicated citizens, hunters, farmers, ranchers, and other partners with a common cause:  A promise to conserve the uplands ‒ before it is too late.


Please join us on Thursday evening!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 5 Gun Raffle

The St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 is planning a 5 gun raffle in the near future.  The chapter will be printing only 100 tickets ($50.00 each).  The prizes are #1= Delton DTI-15 5.56 Rifle, #2= Kimber Micro 9, 9 mm handgun, #3= Browning BPS 12 gauge Pump Shotgun, #4= Remington 1911 R1-Commander 45 ACP, and #5= Henry Golden Boy 22 Mag Lever Action Rifle.  Tickets can be purchased from any Board of Director.  More details will follow as soon as tickets are available.

Due to the cancellation of the banquet this year, the chapter will be having several raffles, events, etc., throughout the year to raise funds to continue with our mission.  Please return to this site periodically for  announcements concerning these events.

St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Sponsors

Please support the following businesses during this pandemic time and beyond as they have shown strong support for our chapter and our mission throughout the years.


Thorpe Printing                                      VF Sports                          Foster Blue Water Oil/Blue Flame Propane

Adair Grain and Feed                              Earl Smith Distributing   Kenockee Trading Post

Southeastern MI Conservation Club       The Smoke House           Woods-n-Water News

Perch Point Conservation Club               Springfield Pet Resort     John Tomaschko/Auctioneer

Mag-na-Port/Pro-Port                             Rooster Ranch                 Seven Crown Brittanys

Welser Well Drilling                               Blue Water Disposal        Golf Country

Paul Zimmer Roofing                             Hill’s Service Center        Adair Bar

MTE Trucking, Inc.                                Robert J. Bates, DDS       Del Barba Agency, Inc.

MHDF                                                    Family Dentistry              Great Lakes Insurance

McFat’s Meats                                        St. Clair Eye                    Adair Salvage

Kustom Truck and Trailer                      Sideline Electric               Breacher Rustics  

Dyck Security                                         Jester Signs                      4 Square Sportsman’s Assoc.

Food Depot                                             ITC Holdings Corp.         Bill MacDonald Ford

Mark’s Auto Service                              The Dorsey House           Huntington Bank

St. Clair Chevrolet, Buick, GMC,Jeep & Dodge                             Marine City Physical Therapy, P.C.

Therapy Zimmer’s Sales and Service                                               China Township Dentistry                      

Pine River Sportsman’s Club                                                            Nationwide Transportation Services    

Pheasant Ridge Hunt Club  


The Board of Directors thanks you for your patience and support during this unprecedented time in United States history.    

St. Clair Co. PF Chapter #74 Habitat Program Suspended for 2021

 Due to the cancellation of our 2020 and 2021 banquets, it is with deep regret that the Board of Directors have made the decision to suspend our habitat seed distribution program for 2021.  We understand that this decision has a negative impact concerning habitat and wildlife in St. Clair County for the upcoming 2021 planting season. We hope that many of you will be able to continue with your projects this year.  We are looking forward to reinstating the program for the 2022 growing season. For those individuals that may need to order seed, you can contact Bob Liebetreu at Adair Grain and Feed to make arrangements.  Bob may be reached at 727-1598 or 329-2658. 

In the growing seasons of 2019 and 2020 the chapter was able to assist 61 cooperators in 2019 and 33 cooperators in 2020. A total of 402.5 acres over the two years were planted consisting of nesting cover and food plots.  

The chapter was active and continues to be in promoting habitat projects on the Port Huron State Game Area, the St. Johns Marsh, and Harsens Island. Our Pheasants Forever Adopt-a-Game-Area-Program Coordinator Ben Beaman is hoping to complete 43 acres of prairie restoration and 22 acres of disking and interseeding wildflowers on the Port Huron SGA.  He is also hoping to do 87 acres of prairie restoration in the St. John’s Marsh SGA and 25 acres of disking and interseeding wildflowers on Harsens Island.  Ben is also planning to see habitat work continue at the Verona SGA.    Work being done there includes 54 acres of prairie restoration and 27 acres of tree/shrub removal.  This work is being funded by funds from Enbridge, NFWF, Safari Club International, DTE, DNR Wildlife Habitat Grant, and a private donation from an individual of $25,000.  Ben is also working on a large NAWCA grant for SE MI  with DU, USFWS, DNR, and others that will likely include some wetland and associated grassland work at St. John’s Marsh and Harsens Island.  As you can see our mission is still alive and well.  

St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 Cancels Banquet for 2021.

Regrettably the St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 Board of Directors have canceled the annual banquet for the year 2021.  As many of you will recall, our 35th Annual Banquet scheduled for March 13, 2020, was postponed on March 11, 2020, due to the pandemic.   At that time, the Board of Directors rescheduled the banquet for August 29, 2020.  When it became apparent that we would be unable to host the banquet at that time, the Board of Directors rescheduled the banquet for March of 2021.  Again, due to pandemic issues, the Board of Directors in January 2021, made the difficult decision to cancel the banquet for the year 2021.  There was a lengthy discussion of possibly scheduling the banquet later in the 2021 year, but with the uncertainty of hall availability, executive orders, etc.,  the decision was made to cancel for the 2021 year.  

The support of our chapter members throughout this process has been greatly appreciated.  Even without holding a banquet in 2020, our chapter was  able to register over 300 members to Pheasants Forever.  Through this type of commitment and support from our chapter members,  the St. Clair County Pheasants Forever Chapter #74 has been nominated for a National Pheasants Forever Membership Award.  This is an amazing feat considering we were unable to hold our banquet.

Letters should be arriving to those chapter members who still have money on account for the 35th banquet with the chapter. The chapter is hoping to maintain a strong roster of memberships through the 2021 year.  It was decided that those of you who want to remain an active PF member and renew your membership for the 2021 year, the chapter would apply the $30 that you have on account for the 2021 banquet towards your membership.  The chapter will then pay the additional $5 towards your renewal for your Pheasants Forever National Membership. Spouse tickets will be reimbursed unless the individual wants to become a Pheasants Forever member or make a donation to the chapter. Ringneck and Student ticket holders will have the same renewal opportunity as our associate members (renewal or refund).  When all transactions are complete, the chapter will have either renewed, refunded, or accepted a donation from all ticket holders.  Everyone attending our next banquet in 2022 will need to purchase a banquet ticket at the full asking price.  The Board of Directors are asking that members who receive this letter please mail back their decision ASAP.  All letters must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2021.  If the chapter does not receive a member's response with a directive postmarked by March 1, 2021, the Board of Directors will renew your membership and use spouse tickets as monetary donations to the chapter.

Support from our chapter's members has been phenomenal during this pandemic.  The Board of Directors pledges to continue to carryout the mission of Pheasants Forever to the best of our ability during these times.  As the longest, continuously running chapter in Michigan, the St. Clair County Chapter of Pheasants Forever has a proud and strong tradition of promoting habitat, youth involvement in the out of doors, and supporting Pheasants Forever's mission locally, state wide, and nationally.  We look forward to continuing and building on these initiatives for years to come.